Thursday, November 09, 2006


I have a few friends who are based in Indonesia on work for the next few years. Conversations with them on MSN is such a rarity because apparently it's quite expensive to attain an internet line for their home. Obviously they have been going online more than I knew.

Milia - I Don't want to tell you because you'll get angry at me the rest of your life.

Tim - Don't be silly la. Just tell me.

Milia - I heard you have like 20+ girlfriends.

Tim - WHAT?

Milia - 20 + girlfriends. So geng ar u Tim.

Tim - Wtf? Pls don't talk rubbish.

Milia - I heard all this 'rubbish' from Pat.

Tim- The hell? I don't even see him!

Milia - I heard this from him sometime last week.

Tim - Nice...

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