Thursday, December 01, 2005


Yesterday... I had a fish bone caught in my throat...

Yesterday... Dumb ass colleague burned my hand twice with his cigaratte...

Yesterday... Got caught in the rain...

Yesterday... Had to work late...

Yesterday... WAS PING'S BIRTHDAY!!!


Tomorrow I shall meet up with Steph Fang for lunch. As far as I know, she's been waiting patiently for a long time to send me to the hospital (insert image of Homer strangling Bart) because of the constant teasing I subject her to.

S.Fang - Lunch tomorrow? HA! You thought I forgot eh? HA! I DIDN'T!!!

Tim - Uh oh... Ok, sure.

S.Fang - Ok, around what time then?

Tim - Just call before you arrive. If I'm not busy I'll just walk out of the office.

S.Fang - Wahlau. So free ah? Ok I'll call you before I go then.

Tim - You just can't wait to get your hands on me can you?

S.Fang - Oh I can wait... Till TOMORROW!!! Hahaha Muahahaha !!!

I could almost picture Dr. Evil from Austin Powers doing that stupid laugh where he sticks his stupid little finger where his mouth is.

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