Friday, December 09, 2005

Prepare Yourselves!

Movies to look forward to...

Looking For Comedy In The Muslim World - The hilarious story of what happens when the U.S. Government sends comedian Albert Brooks to India and Pakistan to find out what makes the over 300 million Muslims in the region laugh.

X3 - Lets face it. People are going to watch it anyway whether its crap or not because of the fan base from the comics. Besides, the previous two installments weren't that bad in the first place. A few new characters, the same old ones and probably a few surprises that will leave them fanboi's wetting themselves.

Happy Feet - I don't really like penguins but Happy Feet looks to be one fun CG animated movie. I don't know if it is the solo dancing or the group dancing with the penguins, but there is something just cool about it.

Pirates Of The Caribbean 2: Dead Mans Chest - Because Kiera Knightly is in it. I'm not kidding. Anyway, there just had to be a sequel after the smashing success of the first installment of everyone's favorite pirate Captain Jack Sparrow. Johnny 'I'm quite the cool' Depp, Orlando Bloom and the the lovely Kiera Knightly return for this impressive looking sequel.

The Da Vinci Code - The book was a success, the movie is almost a sure success and for what people might say, Tom Hanks is a brilliant actor despite his butt ugly looks.

Superman Returns - The Man Of Steel is back, still wearing his underwear on the outside and millions and millions of comic readers think it's ok. How he never gets the urge to be naughty with that X-ray vision of his I'll never understand.

Ice Age 2 - Face it people, you all love the first one and simply can't wait for the second. Images of that stupid saber tooth squirrel is gonna stick with you forever.

Well that's it for now because I can't bother to look anything else up. For you people who want to watch a good show go check out Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. It's good. I say it's good, so it is good. So just sit down, be quiet and enjoy.


a b e s said...

oh yay you tagged me! *feels honoured*

i like ur posts. keep on blogging. am i the only one that posts comments on ur page? o_O

- t ! m s t [o] n e - said...

lol i honestly have no idea if anyone reads all this trash, and thx for dropping by. cheers.