Monday, May 29, 2006

Business Partners.

Suddenly I seem to be much in demand as a business partner in various industries by my friends. I don't have a clue on some of the industries but their reason for wanting me as a partner is that they trust me and that I have contacts. Very interesting, I'll wait to see what they have to offer then.

Happy Birthday Nik Ina Naslisa!

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Silly Thoughts.

Funny how we seem to grow apart,
Is it part of some unfolding mystery?
Or perhaps this is fated,
The way things should just be.

You never give answers do you friend,
Only ask questions that never end.
Do share your secrets wit me,
What are you hiding, what's your plan?

I sit here confused,
And unable to comprehend.
But maybe one day,
I'll come to understand.

And perhaps with that,
I'll manage to grow with time.
But now it's time to end,
This silly thing in rhyme.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Planning Daniel's Birthday With Raging Rufie.

Tim - So, whats Kepa planning to do for his birthday?

Raging Rufie - Urm... He said he doesn't want to go clubbing, and then when I ask him whether he wants BBQ he said he doesnt have BBQ pit.

Tim - Well thats expensive, clubbing I mean. Much better if he pampers you with the money =p

Raging Rufie - Then I ask him want to have chinese dinner he said he's lazy to call ppl. I'm like *grr*!

Tim - Wait... Then how did he have the BBQ last year? Or was it the year b4 ?

Raging Rufie - Dunno what that donkey wants. No lar. It was catered remember?

Tim - Lol... HE WANTS TO DOTA!

Raging Rufie - Yeah I think so too. I shall be his sacrificial lamb... His birthday megakill gift. Or was it godlike?

Tim - Aren't you a sweetheart.

Raging Rufie - Shut up! I know he wants a BBQ la. But then he keeps bitching about not being able to get a damn pit. And hes too lazy to maintain the BBQ, etc.

Tim - Well, we can always call for pizza.

Raging Rufie - He doesnt like pizza. He's damn fussy. Ask him to go Port Dickson with Yen Han they all he dowan cos LAZY to drive.

Tim - You drive him la... Oops forgot!

Raging Rufie - o.O You want his 23rd birthday to be his last izzit!!!

Tim - Hey I said 'Oops forgot'!!!

Raging Rufie - I tell you what, Daniel says that you are good in dota something like that. Why dont you go and become his sacrificial lamb as his bday present and then he'll be super happy! And then I dont need to scratch my head as to how to do his bday =D

Tim - I haven't played dota in months..

Raging Rufie - So confirmed lose to him?

Tim - Maybe...

Raging Rufie - Yay! So settled. I wrap you up with extra ribbon. And present you as my bday gift to him... And add 10 bucks for the cybercafe fee =D

Tim - And to think I was going to blog all this.

Raging Rufie - o.O SEE! Win - win situation wei! You get to blog about it and I get to make Daniel happy, and Daniel confirmed will be happy also! Everyone ends up happy!

Tim - As if I'd let you put a ribbon on me...

Raging Rufie - Ok fine. That's only a minor detail. Can be negotiated. Ok la, we'll make it a tiny ribbon. We'll make it BLUE! Or whatever colour you want.

Tim - Knowing you it'll be teal.

Raging Rufie - Ok ok no teal. Maybe persian blue then.

Tim - I'm not a BARBIE DOLL!!!

Raging Rufie - Lol! No no of course not! You're a DOTA DOLL!

Tim - OMFG...

Totally OWNED!


Silly Steph's.

Kinda weird how I suddenly get caught in silly conversations with the 2 Stephs...

Tim - Stepfather?

Steph Ti - Hahaha I know. From Multiply!

Tim - I'm not that old to be a stepdad you know.

Steph Ti - You're the EEEEVIIIIL stepfather! Who doesn't give me pocket money, allowance or otherwise.

Tim - Ah... But I do give you care, concern and compliments. Those 3 C's are better than money.

Steph Ti - Aha AGREED! Yes, yes daddy! You're a lovely stepdad. Just sucks when it comes to money.

Tim - So does that mean you'll care and provide for me when you start working?

Steph Ti - Wah! Ermm... Wait for another 4 years ok?

Tim - Remember you said it not me :D

And then there was silence...

And something more disturbing...

Steph Fang - *PUNCH!* Ah... feel better.

Tim - You know there's another girl that can rival you already. Except she pinches instead of punches.

Steph Fang - WHO?

Tim - A girl named Yan Yiing.

Steph Fang - Wah! The name sounds damn cun. Well I'm happy for you hahahahahah!

Tim - I'm sure you are =.=

Steph Fang - Knowing that someone else is torturing you is music to my heart. Hahahah!

Tim - I shudder at the thought of both of you ganging up on me.

Steph Fang - You probably want to electrocute yourself first. It'll probably be the only way you can fend us off.

Tim - And risk paralyzing myself to be at your mercy?


Ahh... Friends. Never a dull moment with them.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Yet More Rambling.

It's funny how things happen when you least expect them to. It's strange how people want to say things that can be so meaningful yet never find the right words. It's weird how good it feels when you actually do say it even if it doesn't come out the way you mean to say it.

I don't really know what I want to say or write in this post. And perhaps even after some things that have happened I might not even care. I don't fear the consequences of my actions or words. In fact I feel better after saying some things which I had to say. To get some clarity out of all the troubles and confusion which plagued my mind for a time.

Whatever may happen in the future, I have no regrets. None at all.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Some Serious Thought.

Sometimes you realize that the little things which you take for granted are the most important things in life. Just because they always seem to be there we take them for granted and neglect. It's been so long since I've actually taken the effort to acknowledge the people who have been with me through thick and thin. For their time and effort, for their support and trust, for their confidence and belief in me. They walk beside me when I move, they push me from behind when I stop, yet they never stand in front of me to block me from moving forward. That's when they pull really hard. They see me for the person I am and can be, always pointing out my little flaws so that I remember that I'm not perfect, but always emphasizing on my strengths and allow me to believe. Never pity me for my failings but acknowledging me for my accomplishments.

To those who have been there with and for me... I can never repay what you people have given me, I can never replace who you are to me. All I can do is offer my thanks, and acknowledge the contribution you people have given to my life. You know who and what you are to me.

Perhaps there really aren't any mistakes in life, only lessons. Where we tend to live and regret mistakes that we have made, we learn from lessons and avoid repeating them. I don't want to live a life of regret, hence I do not want to fail, rather learn what went wrong and pick myself up. I can always be stronger. Strength isn't always about physical capabilities, but it always is about indomitable will. GUTS stands for Genuine Urge To Succeed, and no one gains success by giving up. Set your goals and focus on them. They are the fuel that drives you. All the motivation you need can come from within yourself. You just have to want it bad enough. Try pushing yourself to exceed your limits, you might actually be surprised by the results. Who knows? Taking a risk might open a door to a world full of possibilities for yourself. Take a challenge, take a chance and who knows? It doesn't really matter where or how you start, what matters is where you finish.