Monday, June 04, 2007

Battered and bruised, but Tim still had a good weekend...

Sure I may have 3 new bruises... One on my arm, another 2 at my ribs. A few scratches here and there. They hurt like hell now. And Violence wasn't even there to inflict pain upon me!!! Dianamite, you have a lot to pay for! Well, actually just a latte as we agreed :p

Come to think of it. I was really being hit a lot at Velvet on Saturday night. Even got punched in the chest once. Elaine hit me, Shirin hit me, Trixie would have hit me if she was sober, Dianamite tried to send me to the hospital. If I remember correct, even my clients I bumped into there hit me. What's with everyone?

Velvet was fun. Sure packed as hell as usual, but with Corean and them Suckball boys it was a blast. It's been so long since I've met up with so many people. And most of them were there partayin'.

Definitely a good night.

Sunday was more chill out despite the massive downpour. Bought 3 books... again. Coffee with them Bangsar peeps and of all places they drag me to... DOTA! Lol, it was actually quite fun since I haven't been playing games much for the past 3 months. You still my bitch Ziplock! Muahaha!!!

Will prob meet up with Violence for breakfast sometime this week. Louis wants to have breakfast too. And more fun to come this weekend. Things are looking good :)

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