Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Yes, tired... Of almost everything...

Maybe it's because work is taking it's toll...
Maybe it's just because I now think that the world isn't as great a place as I've always pictured it to be...
And maybe it's because I know why but have not really done anything about it...

Doesn't really make any sense does it? But then again nothing really does to me anymore. It's as thought I've totally neglected simple reasoning and rather live in deep, dark confusion. May I be miserable? Might I be lonely? I really don't know anymore.

In the past I've always been pretty assured of my own self. Maybe this is what it's like to finally be broken. Bit by bit over time... The little things that linger around, without one noticing until it all just finally catches up and just hits you.

Past events can't have helped. Sure there have been some awesome great times. Some I don't think I'll ever forget. But then again somehow the bad shit always seems to outnumber the good times.

Maybe I'm just thinking too much and worrying over nothing... Which would be the likely case. Maybe it's time to let a lot of things go and leave them all behind.

I so want to disappear again...

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