Sunday, May 25, 2008


The thought just disappeared...

Such a shame...

Could have been something nice.

Will it...?

So I close my eyes, and open my heart...
And I wonder, if I gaze up again...

Will things be different this time...?


Who needs sleep?

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Tipsy's BBQ Delight...

I actually took some time to browse through my old junk in Multiply. And I came across a post which at the time had me in stitches when the tale was related to me...

So just to share with you peeps...

Barbecue & Grilling
Special Consideration:
Quick and Easy
Ermm...if there's anything left then I guess so.

The Original Fire Hazard by Tipsy.

Electric BBQ grill, The BBQ manual and Tipsy's kitchen.

Accidentally plug in the electric bbq grill instead of the oven when u want to warm something up. Leave the kitchen n go to your room for a while. Come down later to find that something is burning in the kitchen. Hurry to the kitchen to be horrified that you've started a little bon fire in the kitchen with your bbq grill and bbq manual (which was on the grill).

You can tell everyone that it was an accident, but I know the truth. You were drinking weren't u Tipsy? Nyek, nyeks!

Hur hur...

So here I am doing the usual weekend of sitting my ass down at bux for hours and hours. The big difference this time is that I actually came here for breakfast around 8.30am.

Yes I came here THAT early... ALONE!

Well I guess it didn't help that I just couldn't sleep. Sure I tried to, but just ended up tossing about restlessly.

Don't even bother asking why...

So... as I was casually browsing peeps blogs I saw the most amazing thing...


Will wonders never cease...
Anyways... On to the book.


And one begins to wonder...

Is there a place in this world for dreamers...?

Monday, May 05, 2008

Ye know what?

Silly little things do make people feel better... More than you can imagine.

Thank you ;)

Between good and evil...

lainey - ('.') says:
**adjusts halo**

I say:
your pointed tail is sticking out from under ure white robe

lainey - ('.') says:
it's part of the design

Saturday, May 03, 2008

New editions...

To the comic section.

1. Bunny by H. Davies.

2. Gunnerkrigg Court by Tom Siddell.

3. Talismen by Barbra Jacobs & Steven P. Jones. (Discontinued).

Happy reading peeps.

Friday, May 02, 2008


It's one of those nights where one just can't sleep...

One late night...

The fact that I can't find an ashtray in the entire house I'm in now just pisses me off.

So here I am, sitting in almost total darkness but for the light from the laptop I'm using... A bit of jazz playing in the background... What I'd give for a glass of wine now and a cigar (and yes, the damn ashtray).

Somehow, that all familiar question from people never fails to pop up. And I've just about given up on finding ways on how to answer it. Think that its been quite the norm and it's not that hard to ignore now. I have other things constantly on my mind anyway. I just offer a simple shrug and change the subject.

Brilliant. I found an empty beer can in the house.

I've actually taken the day off for Friday. Probably will waste it sitting at some Starbucks somewhere with a book and latte as usual. Maybe it's coming with age that I just don't seem that all keen to go about anywhere anymore. I'd rather just camp by myself somewhere quiet.

You know how sometimes you just feel so distant from everything, and just want to disappear from it all and just be left alone...

I guess I really have gotten tired of things here.

Now on to the other site...