Saturday, May 24, 2008

Tipsy's BBQ Delight...

I actually took some time to browse through my old junk in Multiply. And I came across a post which at the time had me in stitches when the tale was related to me...

So just to share with you peeps...

Barbecue & Grilling
Special Consideration:
Quick and Easy
Ermm...if there's anything left then I guess so.

The Original Fire Hazard by Tipsy.

Electric BBQ grill, The BBQ manual and Tipsy's kitchen.

Accidentally plug in the electric bbq grill instead of the oven when u want to warm something up. Leave the kitchen n go to your room for a while. Come down later to find that something is burning in the kitchen. Hurry to the kitchen to be horrified that you've started a little bon fire in the kitchen with your bbq grill and bbq manual (which was on the grill).

You can tell everyone that it was an accident, but I know the truth. You were drinking weren't u Tipsy? Nyek, nyeks!

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