Friday, December 26, 2008

Hello 2009...

And goodbye to a lot of old stuff...

I don't really know if 2008 was a great year, perhaps in some aspects it was... But I don't think it was much better than 2007, which I really hated. Perhaps I just need to change about some stuff which I've been doing for years and years and take an alternative perspective on a lot of things which I need to focus on.

I'll be dropping quite a few things which I've done over the years. Some have become too time consuming, while some I just find to be a total waste of time now. I'll prob make the occasional silly thing here and there for fun, but I don't think I'll actually make it a point to actually make or write anything just because someone's birthday is coming up or whatnots.

Expect me to be a fairly boring person this coming year.

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