Friday, December 12, 2008

A letter to Jois...

Dear Dutch Connection (aka Waffle Goddess),

In light of current events which will soon lead you to the country of handsome people like Nic and annoying people like me, I would humbly (and shamelessly) wish to place an order of the regular treats which you graciously bestow upon my pitiful being (yes i am talking about waffles) every time during your long awaited returns to the land of mamaks, bad drivers and durians (that's one loooong sentence).

While I understand space may be a major issue come this trip, I have taken the initiative to offer you the perfect solution to the problem. It's really quite simple, all you have to do is leave something like a bag or a couple of shoes behind to accommodate room for the goods. The best part about this, is that this will also give you a reason to shop when you touch down ( e.g. "Oh I'm one pair of shoes short, I'll buy a NEW pair"). As you can see, this will result in a win - win situation for both parties.

Hope you take the matter into deep consideration, as you have the absolute chance of making someone happy (ok, ok 2 people happy) come end of this year.

Best regards,
The Waffle Monster.

1 comment:

jois said...


who's gonna pay for my new shoes huh!?

I am coming back a poor girl this time around =(