Tuesday, February 14, 2006

14th Febuary.

Valentine's Day, a time for lovers and couples to express their unconditional love for one another? Or perhaps just another reason for restaurants and flower shops to make a quick buck? I reckon it's the latter.

I've never really understood or tried to why we had to dedicate one day to specially pamper your loved one when it's perfectly possible to do it any other day of the year. And to choose to do so on a day when things are ridiculously overpriced is beyond me and probably any sense of reasoning. Just because silly little gifts may cost a little (some a lot) more does it mean that you love them any more or less? To claim that Valentine's is a day to celebrate love and companionship is the biggest piece of horse shit anyone can claim simply because you don't set one day to dedicate anything to your partner. It's an everyday thing, simple.

The only probable reason which I will consider celebrating Valentine's Day, is that a fat friend of mine was introduced into our world on this day and he's stuck at home right now because his car has a flat tyre and can't come out. Happy birthday friend. Perhaps it's time to go on a diet.

Happy Birthday Fat 'SanTa' Kel!!!

1 comment:

- t ! m s t [o] n e - said...

fine. prosperous then. sounds better doesn't it hahaha!