Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Nic? Reading?

After what was definetly has been a lousy past few days of insomnia, gloom and horribly bad coughing, things are looking up.

Met up with Munster last night for supper and she was insistant on having coffee today and to go shopping. I think she just wants me to help carry her bags knowing how she tends to shop :p Seeing how she hardly ever seems to leave the city, how could I not obilge.

And tomorrow, coffee with Debbie. Yes Darling, I know we have heaps to catch up on. Load up on your stories and bring the notebook. Which reminds me...

- T ! M S t [o] N e - says:
Oh, and do me a small, small favour.

- T ! M S t [o] N e - says:
Ask Nic for my book.

- T ! M S t [o] N e - says:
It's been with him for like a month!

- [D] e B S t a ™ - says:
And what book is it?

- T ! M S t [o] N e - says:
Fantasy novel.

- [D] e B S t a ™ - says:
Okok. I'll ask him.

- [D] e B S t a ™ - says:
What book is that? Why suddenly Nick is reading?

- T ! M S t [o] N e - says:
Nic? Reading?

- T ! M S t [o] N e - says:
Those two words don't go together in the same sentence ha ha.

- T ! M S t [o] N e - says:
I left it in his car when we went to watch a movie a while back.

- [D] e B S t a ™ - says:
Sorry. I meant that Nick doesn't read.

- T ! M S t [o] N e - says:
Snow will fall in Malaysia before Nic takes up reading as a hobby.

- [D] e B S t a ™ - says:
Hehehehe Exactly!

Steph, you read me like a book. Debs, you're such a gem u know that! Thx ever so much babes :D

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