Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Even Friends Parents Can Be Cunning.

Interesting and amusing conversation I had with my friends mom.

Auntie K - Tim ar... When are you going to get a car and a girlfriend ar?

Tim - (me being cheeky) Aiya auntie you're already married. My shattered heart will never be the same.

Auntie K - Aiya why would you want an old woman like me? Go find yourself a nice 15/16 year old girl.

Tim - Auntie, I'm 24 years old. I'd probably end up in jail if I did that.

Auntie K - Nevermind. If you get into trouble I'll send Uncle down to defend you (he's a lawyer in case you haven't gotten that figured out).

Tim - But uncle isn't always here. You guys stay in Perth.

Auntie K - Aiya, you pay for his air ticket he'll surely come down to defend you. Then I also can come for holiday.

Tim - *Speechless*

Not bad... even my friends mom is trying to use me as a tool to go on holidays.

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