Wednesday, January 11, 2006


When you have to go to work on a public holiday (yesterday) you know your social life has almost been reduced to zero. It doesn't help that my boss has the organisation skill of a 10 year old and allowed contractors to renovate the bloody office today when we have an important presentation to prepare before 2pm. It's not that hard to ask them to come in on Friday and Saturday when we would have finished the presentation and won't be bothered as much by the sound of drills and hammering.

Honestly the noise level and the working condition at the moment makes going to an opera to watch a fat man in tights sing sound like fun. Bad enough that for the month of January I will be extremely busy with work, will have to miss my family's Chinese New Year dinner because of work and when I do finish everything by end of the month, I shall be required to stay in my PJ house again to take care of the dog because mom will be heading to USA for 2 weeks. Which brings me to my next rant...

I do not get it, really I don't. Can anyone please tell me the point of getting a dog when most of the time you get other people to take care of them. When I finally have a decent holiday period to enjoy, I have to take care of my mom's dog. On top of that she's lending her car to my stepdad's sister while they are down from the states which leaves me shit out of luck on transport. So public transport it is if I want to go out. OH! I have to find my own food as well, andif I do go out I have to return in the evening to feed the dog. So i figure I have 2 options, suffer with travel expenses for the week or I could live like a hermit in which I will STILL have to go out to buy food which is at least a 20 minute walk to the food outlets. I'm sure you folks know that walking in the Malaysian afternoon isn't very pleasant.

*Grumble, grumble, grumble*

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