Sunday, May 29, 2005

BBQ Dinner And SantaKel Is Lost Forever.

I'm now at my grandma's house, almost unable to move because I have made an absolute pig of myself indulging in a rather delightful BBQ dinner because it is my uncle's birthday. It's such a shame that I pigged out too much too early. Lamb with thick mint sauce, chicken with super gravy, baked potatoes, prawns, corn on the cob, squid... I thought I was being spoiled for choice. but as my dumb luck would have it after I finished and felt like exploding, they decided to tell me that there was steak and smoked fish as well. WTF! Why couldn't they tell me earlier! So I just sit there and practically sulk while the rest of the family enjoyed *bleh...

Went to Bar Blonde yesterday night. It's been quite a while since we went out to party. Was nice to see AJ again and her sis Brenda after so long. Buddy 9 got pwned by Sharon in drinking games. Disappointing I must say, so we decided to give him a chinese name haha. But it was fun hanging out again, and I even managed to talk lovely Sharon to take me to Burger King to bungkus some food before we went back ho ho!

Part of a conversation with a friend of mine who has totally lost it...


Me - Ha ha WTF? Where did that come from?

SantaKel - Lol I just downloaded the song... ahaha, nostalgia beb.

Me - Suddenly I'm not too sure about you. Listening to Power Rangers and calling me beb...

SantaKel - Please. I also have The A-Team theme, Voltron, Thundercats and even My Little Pony.

Me - You're totally losing it. Joyce's influence is getting to you. Soon you'll behaving fairy tattoo's on you as well.

SantaKel - Hardly. She listens to gay guitarish shyte, while I listen to real macho theme songs.

Me - My Little Pony... ?

SantaKel - ... um... yeah.

* Happy Birthday Nik Ina Naslisa!


charlie (kei) said...

lol. Go Go Power Rangers!
blog hopped randomly. kei ^_^

Anonymous said...

haha cheers kei =)