Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Still Awake.

It's around 10.30 am and I'm still awake. The JPN building in Petaling Jaya is one fucked up place. Bad enough that there were fucking bees flying all over the place, but we had to wait for bloody 3 hours do renew our ID's. Nic, Big Nose, Khai Jr. and I humoured ourselves with some pretty stupid stuff while waiting. Nic even nearly fell off a chair that was broken. I was so tired I even dozed off at one point. A word of advice, to anyone who goes to renew their ID's remember 2 things...

1. Bring along something to read. It really helps to pass the time.
2. Bring a pen with you. It will really, really, really come in handy. Trust me.

As we left the building a bee decided to make friends with Nic by landing on his head. He tried swatting it off thinking it was dust or paper till I told him that it was a bee. Then he practically did some tribal rain dance jumping about and frantically waving his arms around his head trying to get the bee off. In the end the silly insect got the message and left.

I'm gonna try and get some snoozes now.

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