Wednesday, June 01, 2005

There Goes The Weekend And Where The F*ck Are My CD's !?!?!

This shit is just too funny. Taken from my friends blog about a conversation he had with his gay mate.

His Friend - Let's hold hands

My Friend - WHAT?

His Friend - No, seriously. I feel cold.

My Friend - Stick your hands in your crotch then, goddammit.

His Friend - That's only for warranted occasions *smiles*

My Friend - Warranted? ROFL, who the f*ck uses the word warranted in a normal conversation? and WTF dude, cut it out.

His Friend - I dream constantly of men sloshing around me, licking my body all over while singing songs bout me.

My Friend - Are you trying to tell me something here?

His Friend - I want you to be one of those men.

My Friend - I think we should stop hanging out. Altogether.

Had tea with Nic today. Lil kiddo's off to China on Friday with StRyKeR, NoName, Jings and Gen. Dude's got sponsored to go all the way there to compete in some Counter Strike tourney with big big money. 20 BIG ONES USD!!! That's if they manage to go all the way *fingers crossed!*. So yea... I figure it's gonna be quite a boring weekend for me.

Looked around my room today and to my dismay found out that I'm missing CD's and a few anime's. So if anyone out there who reads this shit I put up know where my Judgement Night Soundtrack, Layzie Bone CD, Bulworth Soundtrack and Ninja Scroll VCD are... pls f*cking return them!!!

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