Wednesday, March 07, 2007


It's going to be a long long looooong year for me. I've got so much to do and really not very much time. At least I've solved the fucking problem that was giving me nightmares for weeks. So can rest easy a bit la...

I tried to sketch something last night, and I'm sad to say that my once decent drawing skills have deteriorated into the standards of a 5 year old. And even then, the kid would probably put me to shame. When was the last time I tried to draw anything? Hmm... Honestly even I can't remember. 6 years? 8 years? About there I'm guessing. Anyway I just suck now.

Works about to start. It'll be good for myself to get back into advertising. It'll give me something to occupy my time and not just wake up every morning a bum wondering what the hell is there to do. Then there's that project with my friend as well. So much to do for that also. And it has to be done ASAP. OMG! I'm going to have no social life.

Brenda's wedding is coming up, on my birthday! Friend's want to go out on Friday next week as an early celebration. I don't fancy a club... A bar or some place chill out would do nicely.

Things are going great for me, but why do I still feel that I'm fucking up...

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