Tuesday, March 13, 2007


After many coughs, lozenges and sniffles... another day has passed...

Now I'm wondering what can I do to occupy my time after work. Sure the whole weekend was taken up discussing certain upcoming events with a friend, helping sis with her wedding plans and bla bla bla. Prob the only time I gave myself some free time was when I went to meet Dianamite in Hartamas for lunch on Sunday. And this hot hot HOT talent from Sydney was with her. Was fun chatting with Danielle. Managed to go for coffee with her later as well. Too bad she was flying off later that day.

And last night I helped Teng Chui come up with some concept ideas for a logo. I actually enjoyed it. Even the rough sketches didn't look too bad. The very chance to play with ideas ands stupid thoughts, to bring up silly things and generate them into proper images. And I was wondering why on earth would someone (yes YOU Renay :p) ask me to go into creative... An hour later, a hazelnut latte and bout a dozen ideas and concepts and even some tag lines included (phew!) we managed some time to just sit down and chat. Since I don't get to see Teng's much. Yes Nain, in case you were wondering I did bitch about you! Muahahaha!

I've grown tired of doing nothing. If only I could somehow busy myself like this everyday...

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